Delay Code Description Extranet Reason
09 Scheduled Ground Time less than Declared Minimum Ground Time 公司原因 / Company Reason
09 Flight consequence delay due commercial planned blocked time less than fly time 公司原因 / Company Reason
09 Aircraft Change as per commercial request 公司原因 / Company Reason
09 Retiming due to A-Check or C-Check 公司原因 / Company Reason
09 Retiming due to new aircraft late delivery or unable to operate the commercial flight 公司原因 / Company Reason
09 Retiming due to ENM's request to AOG the aircraft 公司原因 / Company Reason
09 Retiming due to commercial reason 公司原因 / Company Reason
09 Retiming due to lack of technical crew 公司原因 / Company Reason
09 Retiming due to aircraft on ground caused by CSD 公司原因 / Company Reason
11 Late check-in, acceptance after deadline by GHA 公司原因 / Company Reason
11 Late check-in, acceptance after deadline by COM/GSD 乘客原因 / Passenger Reason
12 Late check-in, congestion in check-in area 公司原因 / Company Reason
13 Check in error (Passenger and baggage) 公司原因 / Company Reason
13 Delay due to acceptance of noticeably un-fit for flight passenger 公司原因 / Company Reason
13 Inconsistency of baggage figure between DCS and physical court 公司原因 / Company Reason
14 Oversold passengers 公司原因 / Company Reason
15 Passenger boarding time exceeded standard boarding time 公司原因 / Company Reason
15 Head count/Boarding pass check at gate error 公司原因 / Company Reason
15 Hand baggage overloaded and need to offload in cabin 公司原因 / Company Reason
15 Passenger boarded the wrong aircraft 公司原因 / Company Reason
15 Lack of boarding agent when PIC ready for boarding 公司原因 / Company Reason
16 VIP Protection (Stand by aircraft) 乘客原因 / Passenger Reason
16 Missing passenger belongings (passport, boarding pass, valuables etc) 乘客原因 / Passenger Reason
16 Emergency passenger events (Illnesses, conflicts etc) 乘客原因 / Passenger Reason
16 Passenger decided to leave the aircraft after boarded 乘客原因 / Passenger Reason
16 Passenger refuse to board or unauthorised occupation of aircraft 乘客原因 / Passenger Reason
16 Delay due to disabled passenger (Wheelchair, Stretcher etc) 乘客原因 / Passenger Reason
16 Passenger was stolen money on the aircraft 乘客原因 / Passenger Reason
16 Delay due to other passenger issues 乘客原因 / Passenger Reason
17 Late delivery of in-flight meals due to late acceptance of standby passengers 乘客原因 / Passenger Reason
18 Offload baggage due to overweight 公司原因 / Company Reason
18 Offload baggage due to incorrect baggage being loaded 公司原因 / Company Reason
21 Cargo Documentation, errors, etc. 公司原因 / Company Reason
22 Cargo Late positioning 公司原因 / Company Reason
23 Cago Late acceptance 公司原因 / Company Reason
24 Cargo Inadequate Packing 公司原因 / Company Reason
25 Cargo Over sales, booking errors 公司原因 / Company Reason
26 Cargo Late preparation in warehouse 公司原因 / Company Reason
27 Mail Documentation, Packing etc. 公司原因 / Company Reason
28 Mail Late Positioning 公司原因 / Company Reason
29 Mail Late Acceptance 公司原因 / Company Reason
31 Aircraft Document Late/Incorrect- GD (Crew Management) 公司原因 / Company Reason
31 Aircraft Document Late/Incorrect- Manifest/Load Sheet/General Declaration by GHA 公司原因 / Company Reason
31 Incorrect crew rest time calculation by Crew Management 公司原因 / Company Reason
31 Late delivery of weather information by GHA 公司原因 / Company Reason
31 Late delivery/incorrect flight information by GHA 公司原因 / Company Reason
31 Late delivery/incorrect flight/weather information by CA 公司原因 / Company Reason
31 Incorrect General Declaration by CA 公司原因 / Company Reason
32 Loading/unloading 公司原因 / Company Reason
32 Special loading/unloading 公司原因 / Company Reason
33 Lack of or break down of loading equipment 公司原因 / Company Reason
34 Delay due to ground service vehicle issues 公司原因 / Company Reason
35 Aircraft Cleaning 公司原因 / Company Reason
36 Late re-fuelling 公司原因 / Company Reason
36 Fuelling equipments/facilities breakdown 公司原因 / Company Reason
36 Defuelling due to overweight by Fuel Company error 公司原因 / Company Reason
36 Defuelling due to overweight by technical cause aircraft change 公司原因 / Company Reason
36 Defuelling due to overweight by OCD change aircraft or dispatch error 公司原因 / Company Reason
36 Delay due to other refuelling issues 公司原因 / Company Reason
36 Delay due to other refuelling issues caused by Maintenance/Flight Crew error 公司原因 / Company Reason
36 Delay due to refuelling issues caused by CA error 公司原因 / Company Reason
37 Late loading of booked in-flight meals and drinks 公司原因 / Company Reason
37 Extra meals/drinks being loaded due to additional order 公司原因 / Company Reason
37 Late loading of in-flight supply items 公司原因 / Company Reason
38 ULD, lack of or serviceability 公司原因 / Company Reason
38 ULD, lack of or serviceability by CA 公司原因 / Company Reason
39 Flight safety assurance equipments/facilities in-op due to non-weather related issues 公司原因 / Company Reason
39 Awaiting for ground operation equipments (Fuel-supply truck, Electric-supply Truck etc) 公司原因 / Company Reason
39 Late towing of aircraft from hanger to parking stand in MFM 公司原因 / Company Reason
41 Aircraft Defects (Other than flight crew operation errors) 公司原因 / Company Reason
41 A330 Aircraft Defects 公司原因 / Company Reason
42 Schedule Maintenance (Late Release) 公司原因 / Company Reason
42 Delay due to maintenance agent error, include human errors, maintenance assurance 公司原因 / Company Reason
43 Non schedule Maintenance (special check and/or additional check beyond normal maintenance schedule 公司原因 / Company Reason
44 Spare and Maintenance Equipment (lack of breakdown) 公司原因 / Company Reason
45 AOG Spares to be carried to another station 公司原因 / Company Reason
46 Aircraft Change , due to technical reason 公司原因 / Company Reason
46 Delay due to incomplete previous maintenance works which cause late flight rotation 公司原因 / Company Reason
47 Standby aircraft, lack of planned standby aircraft for technical reason 公司原因 / Company Reason
48 Scheduled cabin configuration/version adjustments 公司原因 / Company Reason
51 Damaged during flight operation due to bird strike 其他原因 / Other Reason
51 Damaged during flight operation due to lightning/turbulence etc. 天氣原因 / Weather Reason
51 Damaged during flight operation due to overweight/hard-landing etc. 公司原因 / Company Reason
51 Damaged during flight operation due to other reasons 其他原因 / Other Reason
51 Damaged during A330 flight operation due to bird strike/other reasons 公司原因 / Company Reason
52 Change wheel due to deep cut by foreign objects 其他原因 / Other Reason
52 Change wheel due to flight crew found abnormal adn special request 公司原因 / Company Reason
52 Damaged during ground operation due to customer service and handling issues 公司原因 / Company Reason
52 Damaged during ground operation due to maintenance issues (e.g. change wheel) 公司原因 / Company Reason
52 Damaged during ground operation due to cargo operation issues 公司原因 / Company Reason
52 Damaged during ground operation due to refuelling issues 公司原因 / Company Reason
52 Toilet was clogged due to passenger 乘客原因 / Passenger Reason
55 Departure Control System 公司原因 / Company Reason
55 Delay due to other DCS problem 公司原因 / Company Reason
56 Cargo Preparation / Documentation 公司原因 / Company Reason
57 Flight Plans 公司原因 / Company Reason
57 Incorrect/late delivery of flight plan from outstation Air Traffic Service 公司原因 / Company Reason
61 Change flight plan due to Captain request caused by weather 天氣原因 / Weather Reason
61 Incorrect/late delivery of documentations from flight dispatch 公司原因 / Company Reason
61 Incorrect/late delivery of documentations from outstations GHA 公司原因 / Company Reason
61 Incorrect/late delivery of weather information from outstations ATS 公司原因 / Company Reason
61 Incorrect/late delivery of NOTAM from outstations ATS 公司原因 / Company Reason
61 Incorrect/late delivery of documentations from CA flight dispatch 公司原因 / Company Reason
62 Incorrect/late delivery of fuel information from dispatch 公司原因 / Company Reason
62 Incorrect/late delivery of fuel information from outstation GHA 公司原因 / Company Reason
63 Late arrival at airport due to traffic jam in MFM 公司原因 / Company Reason
63 Late arrival at airport due to weather 天氣原因 / Weather Reason
63 Tech crew exceeded the stated time during preparation 公司原因 / Company Reason
63 Late crew boarding or arrival at airport, other than connection and standby (flight deck or entire crew) 公司原因 / Company Reason
63 Late arrival at airport due to traffic jam in outstation 其他原因 / Other Reason
64 Tech crew change due to health issue 公司原因 / Company Reason
64 Delay due to failure to obtain the necessary information or lost of which after obtained 公司原因 / Company Reason
64 Tech crew shortage due to flight time limit, valid visa etc 公司原因 / Company Reason
64 Late arrival of tech crew/awaiting for crew or standby tech crew 公司原因 / Company Reason
64 Crew rest due to ATC 公司原因 / Company Reason
64 Crew rest due to weather 公司原因 / Company Reason
64 Crew rest due to military exercise 公司原因 / Company Reason
64 Crew rest due to APT 公司原因 / Company Reason
64 Crew rest due to diversion reasons 公司原因 / Company Reason
64 Crew rest due to technical consequence delay 公司原因 / Company Reason
64 Crew rest due to commercial planning 公司原因 / Company Reason
64 Crew rest due to ground handling 公司原因 / Company Reason
64 Crew rest due to passenger 公司原因 / Company Reason
64 Crew rest due to other issues 其他原因 / Other Reason
64 Crew rest due to company issues 公司原因 / Company Reason
64 A330 Crew rest due to weather/diversion 天氣原因 / Weather Reason
65 Difference in perception of dispatch requirement 公司原因 / Company Reason
65 Captain Special Request 公司原因 / Company Reason
66 Late cabin crew boarding or departure procedures, other than connection and standby 公司原因 / Company Reason
66 Late arrival of cabin crew at airport due to traffic jam 公司原因 / Company Reason
66 Late arrival of cabin crew at airport due to weather 天氣原因 / Weather Reason
67 Cabin crew change due to health issue 公司原因 / Company Reason
67 Delay due to failure to obtain the necessary information or lost of which after obtained 公司原因 / Company Reason
67 Cabin crew shortage due to flight time limit, valid visa etc 公司原因 / Company Reason
67 Late arrival of cabin crew/awaiting for standby cabin crew 公司原因 / Company Reason
67 Cabin crew rest due to ATC 公司原因 / Company Reason
67 Cabin crew rest due to weather 公司原因 / Company Reason
67 Cabin crew rest due to military exercise 公司原因 / Company Reason
67 Cabin crew rest due to APT 公司原因 / Company Reason
67 Cabin crew rest due to diversion reasons 公司原因 / Company Reason
67 Cabin crew rest due to technical consequence delay 公司原因 / Company Reason
67 Cabin crew rest due to commecial planning 公司原因 / Company Reason
67 Cabin crew rest due to ground handling 公司原因 / Company Reason
67 Cabin crew rest due to passerger 公司原因 / Company Reason
68 Cabin error 公司原因 / Company Reason
68 Senior cabin crew require unplanned passenger protection 公司原因 / Company Reason
68 Other cabin crew special request, not within operational requirements 公司原因 / Company Reason
69 Captain request for special safety check or assurance 其他原因 / Other Reason
71 Weather condition below flight crew’s operating minima – Departure Station 天氣原因 / Weather Reason
71 Weather condition below aircraft’s operating minima – Departure Station 天氣原因 / Weather Reason
71 Weather condition below airport’s operating minima – Departure Station 天氣原因 / Weather Reason
71 Load/unload fuel or cargo due to weather condition – Departure Station 天氣原因 / Weather Reason
72 Weather condition below flight crew’s operating minima – Destination Station 天氣原因 / Weather Reason
72 Weather condition below aircraft’s operating minima –Destination Station 天氣原因 / Weather Reason
72 Weather condition below airport’s operating minima –Destination Station 天氣原因 / Weather Reason
72 Load/unload fuel or cargo due to weather condition – Destination Station 天氣原因 / Weather Reason
73 Reroute/flight path change to evade adverse weather 天氣原因 / Weather Reason
73 Strong headwind during cruise resulted flight time exceeded the schedule time 天氣原因 / Weather Reason
75 Aircraft de-ice/anti-ice check time exceeded/awaiting for de-ice/frost 天氣原因 / Weather Reason
76 Runway contaminated by rain/snow/ice etc. 天氣原因 / Weather Reason
77 Airport/Airway communication facilities damaged due to adverse weather condition 天氣原因 / Weather Reason
77 Ground handling operations/equipment impaired by adverse weather conditions 天氣原因 / Weather Reason
81 Aircraft separation limitation in take off airport, en-route or arrival airport 流量控制 / Air Traffic Control
81 Air traffic flow restriction 流量控制 / Air Traffic Control
81 Military exercises 流量控制 / Air Traffic Control
81 Due to weather, aircraft separation reduced by ATC 天氣原因 / Weather Reason
81 VIP (e.g. head of state) flights 流量控制 / Air Traffic Control
81 UAV or Scientific experimental project 場區環境干擾因素:航模,風箏,煙花 / Environmental interference factors in airport: UAV, kites, fireworks
82 Airport safety check 其他原因 / Other Reason
83 Late completion of passenger immigration check 其他原因 / Other Reason
83 Boarding gate disciplinary issues 其他原因 / Other Reason
83 Late completion of other mandatory checks (health/customs etc) 其他原因 / Other Reason
83 Delay due to other immigration issues 其他原因 / Other Reason
83 Public safety and health issues 其他原因 / Other Reason
84 Abnormal distribution of airport operational message 其他原因 / Other Reason
84 Break down/damage of runway, taxiway or airport lights 其他原因 / Other Reason
84 Failure of/insufficient airport operational facilities 其他原因 / Other Reason
84 Aircraft park at outer bay caused late boarding completed 其他原因 / Other Reason
85 Foreign objects on runway 其他原因 / Other Reason
85 Restrictions at airport of origin (runway/taxiway close) 其他原因 / Other Reason
85 Restrictions at airport of origin (noise abatement, night curfew, staff shortage etc) 其他原因 / Other Reason
86 Unauthorised personnel, animal or vehicle entered taxiway/runway 其他原因 / Other Reason
86 Airport terminal building power supplier failure 其他原因 / Other Reason
87 Awaiting for parking stand/gate assignment 其他原因 / Other Reason
87 Delay due to no gate/stand available at airport 其他原因 / Other Reason
88 Restrictions at airport of destination (runway/taxiway close) 其他原因 / Other Reason
88 Restrictions at airport of destination (noise abatement, night curfew, staff shortage etc) 其他原因 / Other Reason
89 ATC due to ground movement control 流量控制 / Air Traffic Control
91 ATC caused Passenger connection 公司原因 / Company Reason
91 Weather caused passenger connection 公司原因 / Company Reason
91 Military exercise caused passenger connection 公司原因 / Company Reason
91 APT issue caused passenger connection 公司原因 / Company Reason
91 Technical consequence delay caused passenger connection 公司原因 / Company Reason
91 Diversion/GTB caused passenger connection 公司原因 / Company Reason
91 Commercial planning caused passenger connection 公司原因 / Company Reason
91 Ground handling caused passenger connection 公司原因 / Company Reason
91 Passenger caused passenger connection 公司原因 / Company Reason
91 Wait Cargo/other load from another flight 公司原因 / Company Reason
91 Crew caused passenger connection 公司原因 / Company Reason
91 Other issues caused passenger connection 公司原因 / Company Reason
92 Through check-in error, passenger and baggage 公司原因 / Company Reason
94 Cabin crew flight connection 公司原因 / Company Reason
95 ATC caused tech crew or entire crew flight connection 公司原因 / Company Reason
95 Weather caused tech crew or entire crew flight connection 天氣原因 / Weather Reason
95 Military exercise caused tech crew or entire crew flight connection 公司原因 / Company Reason
95 APT issue caused tech crew or entire crew flight connection 公司原因 / Company Reason
95 Diversion caused tech crew or entire crew flight connection 天氣原因 / Weather Reason
95 Technical consequence delay caused tech crew or entire crew flight connection 公司原因 / Company Reason
95 Commercial planning casued tech crew or entire crew flight connection 公司原因 / Company Reason
95 Ground handling caused tech crew or entire crew flight connection 公司原因 / Company Reason
95 Passenger caused tech crew or entire crew flight connection 公司原因 / Company Reason
95 Crew caused tech crew or entire crew flight connection 公司原因 / Company Reason
96 Due to ATC, aircraft/crew change by AOC 公司原因 / Company Reason
96 Due to weather, aircraft/crew change by AOC 天氣原因 / Weather Reason
96 Due to military exercise, aircraft/crew change by AOC 公司原因 / Company Reason
96 Due to APT issue, aircraft/crew change by AOC 公司原因 / Company Reason
96 Due to diversion, aircraft/crew change by AOC 天氣原因 / Weather Reason
96 Due to technical consequence delay, aircraft/crew change by AOC 公司原因 / Company Reason
96 Due to crew connection/arrangement, aircraft/crew change by AOC 公司原因 / Company Reason
96 Due to commercial planning, aircraft/crew change by AOC 公司原因 / Company Reason
96 Due to ground handling, aircraft/crew change by AOC 公司原因 / Company Reason
96 Due to passenger, aircraft/crew change by AOC 公司原因 / Company Reason
96 Due to company issue, aircraft/crew change by AOC 公司原因 / Company Reason
96 Due to other issue, aircraft/crew change by AOC 其他原因 / Other Reason
96 Due to CA issue, aircraft/crew change to NX 公司原因 / Company Reason
96 Due to weather/diversion, aircraft/crew to NX 天氣原因 / Weather Reason
97 Industrial action within own airline 其他原因 / Other Reason
98 Industrial Action outside own airline, excluding A.T.S 其他原因 / Other Reason
99 Flight being hijacked or under threat 其他原因 / Other Reason
99 Special flight safety check on explosive, hijacking 其他原因 / Other Reason
99 Flight schedule changed due to previous flight safety issues 其他原因 / Other Reason
99 Major event happened which threaten the national security 其他原因 / Other Reason
99 Flight incident due to flight operational issues 公司原因 / Company Reason
99 Flight incident due to customer service and handling issues 公司原因 / Company Reason
99 In-flight meals and drinks hygiene issues 公司原因 / Company Reason
99 Other airlines’ internal issues 公司原因 / Company Reason
99 Other weather issues 天氣原因 / Weather Reason
99 Diversion, return to base, go around, cancellation etc due to mechanical failure. 公司原因 / Company Reason